Indian Ocean Business Forum : 25 countries to participate

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Indian Ocean Business Forum : 25 countries to participate

Facilitating connections among economic actors in the region

On November 14 and 15, 2024, the « CEO Business Forum Indian Ocean » will gather representatives from over 25 countries bordering the Indian Ocean at the Ivato International Conference Center in Antananarivo. This event is a collaborative effort by Gatenews Africa and the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Madagascar (FCCIM).

The official presentation of this significant regional event took place on May 14, 2024, with the presence of the economic community, representatives of professional associations, government officials, international organizations, and economic actors. The event aligns with the theme « Dynamic Economy, Strategic Partnerships: The Spirit of the Indian Ocean », reflecting the region’s role as a critical economic hub connecting the European, African, and Asian continents.

Madagascar, due to its strategic geographical position, naturally plays a pivotal role in facilitating this development and promoting regional prosperity. Rojo Claudino Andrianasolo, president of the CEO Business Forum, outlined ambitious yet achievable goals, emphasizing the aim to foster fair trade and encourage investment in essential regional sectors.

The event will feature various formats of professional interaction, including workshops, panel discussions, keynote speeches, BtoB and BtoC meetings, and high-quality networking sessions.

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