Sugar industry experts convene

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Sugar industry experts convene

Strengthening the sugar industry

A high-level workshop is being held in Mauritius to develop a Geographical Indication (GI) for unrefined sugars.

Over two days, the workshop aims to strengthen the sugar industry, promote sustainable agricultural development, and create new economic opportunities. Narainduth Boodhoo, Director of Trade Policy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration, and International Trade, attended the opening ceremony along with Oskar Benedikt, Ambassador, and Head of the European Union (EU) Delegation to the Republic of Mauritius and Seychelles, as well as other experts in the sugar industry and intellectual property.

Geographical Indication (GI) is a form of intellectual property rights that ensures the authenticity and origin of products, providing consumers with confidence in their quality and unique characteristics. For centuries, the sugarcane industry has played a vital role in the cultural and economic fabric of Mauritius, influencing the nation’s identity and heritage.

This GI initiative highlights the unique and distinctive flavor of Mauritian unrefined sugars, which are renowned in international markets. With the growing popularity of cafes across the island and the increasing awareness of the importance of choosing healthier options, consumers are seeking a greater variety of sugars to consume.

Narainduth Boodhoo took the opportunity to thank the European Union for its commitment to registering GIs. He also mentioned that the European Union remains one of the main markets for manufactured products in Mauritius. It is important to note that this workshop is organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration, and International Trade, in partnership with the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization and the African Intellectual Property and Innovation Organization.

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