Consumption: Increase in the price of vegetables on the market

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Consumption: Increase in the price of vegetables on the market

All essential products are affected

In recent weeks, the cost of vegetables has been rising on the market. The price of a kilogram of carrots has climbed to 4,000 MGA (0.85 USD), compared to 3,000 MGA previously, representing a 33% increase.

Similarly, the price of tomatoes and green beans per kilogram is now 5,000 MGA, compared to 3,000 MGA previously, representing a 66 % increase.

To illustrate that inflation is at its peak this January, it should be noted that this does not only concern vegetables but almost all essential products (PPN). This is causing discontent among consumers who are struggling to keep up.

Indeed, with a budget already strained by various expenses (Jirama bills, children’s education costs, transportation fees, etc.), many families are finding it difficult to make ends meet. There are still a few days left before they can buy rice at 4,000 MGA per kilo and vegetables at roughly the same price. Not to mention the various daily necessities like soap and different spice components. In particular, oil, salt, and other products have seen their prices stabilize, but this will probably not be enough to withstand the pressure.

Access to dry grains such as corn, beans, peanuts, etc., remains difficult for low-income individuals currently. In this context, the Ministry of Industrialization and Commerce is already actively working to resolve the situation.

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