
Airtel Madagascar : Anne Catherine Tchokonté new General Manager

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Airtel Madagascar : Anne Catherine Tchokonté new General Manager

Five years after her appointment in 2019, Eddy wa Kumpala steps down in 2024, handing over the position of Chief Executive Officer to Anne Catherine Tchokonté within the Airtel Madagascar group.

The new leader of Airtel in Madagascar, Anne Catherine Tchokonté, brings a wealth of experience in the industry, including a two-year leadership position at Orange Money Cameroon. A graduate of École Polytechnique and Ponts & Chaussées in France, she is a microfinance technocrat who honed her skills in Germany at the Frankfurt School.

Airtel Madagascar is determined to leverage its decade of experience to address the challenges and opportunities in the thriving Malagasy market. The Airtel Group operates in several African countries with 150 million customers and reported a profit of 17.65 million USD in 2021.

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