Modernization of Seychelles public transport

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Modernization of Seychelles public transport

QR code payment and low-floor buses

The Seychelles Public Transport Corporation (SPTC) has introduced a bus payment system using QR codes. The company is also deploying five low-floor buses, enhancing passengers’ convenience and accessibility.

During the launch ceremony at the Victoria bus terminal, the SPTC CEO lauded the QR Code platform as an innovative element in cashless ticketing solutions. Available on Android and iOS smartphones through the SPTC app, the system allows users to scan a QR code to pay for their rides.

Over a six-month period, the QR Code system was implemented on Praslin, the second-most populous island, where 600 tickets were sold daily. According to Alex Etienne, SPTC’s General Affairs Manager, the new system is designed to address the payment delay issues currently faced. « Previously, some of our customers experienced delays when paying for their tickets on the app. However, with the introduction of the QR Code, cards are immediately credited with money », he explained.

The new buses are designed to improve energy efficiency, showcasing SPTC’s commitment to sustainability. According to Zialor, SPTC is firmly dedicated to reducing its carbon footprint. The company also announced plans to integrate at least two electric buses into the fleet replacement program for 2025-2026.

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