
Customs system : Implementation of a pilot modernization project

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Customs system : Implementation of a pilot modernization project

Enhancing customs procedures

The General Directorate of Customs of Madagascar has launched a pilot phase to improve the electronic customs clearance system. This project is funded by Korean customs and comprises three main components.

The Enhanced Risk Management (ERA) system is being implemented within the project, utilizing artificial intelligence to automate risk management. The objective of digitalizing human resource management is to increase efficiency based on competencies.

An economic intelligence tool is being set up to optimize decision-making. The testing phase following the installation of the Data Warehouse has been initiated. Technicians from the International Customs Agency Uni-Pass (CUPIA), sent by Korean customs, attended the information meetings. These specialists stayed in Madagascar for two months to install the Data Warehouse and ERA, train users, and correct errors from the testing phase.

The project manager expressed gratitude towards the Malagasy teams for their dedication and enthusiasm. Lainkana Zafivanona Ernest, Director General of Customs, thanked the Korean customs and CUPIA for their support. He highlighted the anticipated benefits of this project, particularly the need to reduce customs clearance times, improve customs revenues, and enhance human resource management.

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