Promoting tourism in Madagascar
On May 2, 2024, the Ivato International Conference Center (CCI) hosted the inaugural ceremony for signing partnership agreements with sponsors and collaborators for two significant events: the 10th edition of the International Tourism Fair Madagascar (ITM) and the inaugural edition of the International Madagascar Handicraft Event (IHM).
As a vital sponsor, the Malagasy government, through the Integrated Growth Poles project, is actively fostering the promotion of the ITM and IHM trade shows. These events attract over 22 partners and sponsors from diverse sectors including hotels, banks, tour operators, universities, and media outlets. According to Joël Randriamandrado, Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts, this edition promises to be unparalleled in terms of participant turnout.
Over 300 tourism entrepreneurs will be present at the 10th ITM. However, for the eductour program, around a hundred foreign entrepreneurs will be present in Madagascar in June.
The guest of honor at the event will be CĂ´te d’Ivoire. According to the Minister, « Ivorian entrepreneurs specialized in the tourism and handicrafts sector will be present to work in collaboration with local entrepreneurs », adding that «The objective is also to reach one million tourists by 2028 ».
The first edition of the IHM show welcomed over 100 entrepreneurs from the craft sector. The Minister said that several craft importers are coming to Madagascar to talk to craftsmen and promote their products to foreign buyers. What’s more, the event will be open to all entrepreneurs from the different regions of Madagascar. « This is a major first » , he explained.