ICT : Seychelles Retain Third Place in Africa

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ICT : Seychelles Retain Third Place in Africa

Among the most technologically advanced countries

According to a report released in late June by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Seychelles ranks among the leading African countries in information and communication technology (ICT) development.

In the 2024 report, Seychelles maintains its third position in Africa and ranks 78th globally. The country gained an additional 3.8 points compared to the previous year, increasing from 80.9 points in 2023 to 84.7 points in 2024. Libya leads the African continent with 88.1 points, while Morocco ranks second with 86.8 points, followed by Seychelles (84.7 points). Mauritius takes fourth place with 84.2 points, followed by South Africa (83.6), Algeria (80.9), Botswana (78.7), Tunisia (77.2), and Egypt (76.8). Gabon completes the African rankings with 74.7 points.

The report, « Measuring Digital Development—ICT Development Index 2024 », assesses ICT progress in 170 countries and territories worldwide based on ten indicators. These measures include internet usage rates, mobile broadband penetration, mobile broadband traffic volume, mobile data service costs, and the percentage of mobile phone owners.

For each country and territory analyzed, each indicator receives a score ranging from 0 to 100 points. The individual scores are then summed to generate an overall score between 0 (total lack of connectivity) and 100 (excellent connectivity), with each indicator given equal weight.

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