Excelia: a label for the Malagasy digital sector

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Excelia: a label for the Malagasy digital sector

Madagascar attracts investors with ambitious digital initiatives

On 19 February 2025, the Groupement des Operateurs des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication de Madagascar (GOTICOM) launches the « Choose Digital Madagascar » initiative and the « Excelia » label at an event in Antaninarenina.

An agreement was signed with several partners, including the Ministry of Digital Development, Post and Telecommunications (MNDPT), the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIC), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) and the Economic Development Board of Madagascar (EDBM), to position the country as a technology destination and attract foreign companies. This project showcases innovation and the development of local skills.

In addition, the « Excelia » label guarantees the quality of services and is divided into three categories: Excelia Trusted E-commerce, intended for online sales platforms, Excelia Digital Services, for digital companies and Excelia Digital Academy, dedicated to professional training in this field.

The MNDPT Minister emphasized that « the sector is experiencing strong growth, particularly with the rise of mobile money, which now has 15 million users ». However, she also mentioned a lack of qualified professionals, with only 800 engineers trained per year against a need of 4,000.

The Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce stressed the importance of collaboration between the private sector and the government to ensure the development of digital technology in the country. The EDBM Director General added that « this partnership is essential to increase the country’s attractiveness to investors and improve the competitiveness of the sector ».

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