
Water Crisis : World Bank Lends Support

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Water Crisis : World Bank Lends Support

General mobilization against water shortages in Antananarivo

The World Bank has intervened at the request of the government to address the water shortage in Antananarivo. A meeting led by the President of the Republic established solutions for the short, medium, and long term.

The general mobilization against the water shortage in Antananarivo and its surrounding areas has also been launched with Madagascar’s international partners. In this context, Andry Rajoelina held discussions with the World Bank. The objective of this meeting was to identify areas where the Bretton Woods institution can provide support in response to the water crisis.

According to the President, the World Bank is in favor of immediate, short-term responses as well as medium- and long-term solutions. Given the urgency, water trucks have been deployed to supply 150 water tanks distributed across neighborhoods in the capital and nearby areas. In addition to the eight water trucks from Jirama, the government has mobilized ten more. There are also trucks equipped with platforms on which tanks are mounted. Four additional water trucks, with capacities of 20 cubic meters and 10 cubic meters, supplied by the World Bank, will be added starting next week.

According to the president, these vehicles have just arrived at the port of Toamasina and will be officially handed over on Tuesday. The water trucks will transport water directly to the tanks at the Mandroseza water treatment plant. Every hour, both the water and equipment are tested and checked to ensure that the water distributed to the population meets health standards.

In the short term, the World Bank will also support the acquisition of emergency generators to be installed at the pumping stations.

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