Revising the National Biodiversity Strategy

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Revising the National Biodiversity Strategy

Setting national biodiversity goals

In an initial meeting held on Wednesday, stakeholders in Seychelles began a review of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) and related biodiversity goals.

These discussions aim to help establish national biodiversity targets aligned with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). The NBSAP outlines specific tasks and objectives to support the goals set by the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Nearly 40 participants from government institutions, non-governmental organizations, and biodiversity experts worked in groups to address the GBF’s targets across three key areas: risk reduction, restoration, and implementation support. The workshop included interactive sessions in which participants identified keywords to align Seychelles’ national biodiversity objectives with the GBF and proposed definitions for these objectives.

The Global Environment Facility is funding this review as part of the Early Action Support project for the Global Biodiversity Framework. The initiative aims to accelerate progress in implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

The project focuses on four essential aspects: aligning national biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAP), improving monitoring systems, ensuring policy coherence, and securing stable biodiversity financing.

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