Inauguration of Several Infrastructures in Southern Madagascar

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Inauguration of Several Infrastructures in Southern Madagascar

Improving community living conditions

Several infrastructures financed by Japan and constructed by UNICEF were inaugurated by the Japanese Ambassador Abe Koji in Southern Madagascar.

Among these facilities are new water sources that will directly benefit residents. The Japanese Ambassador to Madagascar, accompanied by the UNICEF representative, is visiting the southeastern regions of Vatovavy and Fitovinany from December 17 to 19.

The visit began on Tuesday with observations of the progress of projects financed by an additional 1.7 million USD Japanese government fund in 2023, specifically in the areas of nutrition, health, water, and sanitation.

The team visited several strategic sites, such as the Basic Health Centers level 2 in Soamanova, Ampasimalemy, and the site in Mavogisa. Local initiatives have been implemented in these facilities to improve the living conditions of the communities.

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