Artisans trained in the production of eco-friendly charcoal

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Artisans trained in the production of eco-friendly charcoal

Strengthening the skills and knowledge of artisans

216 artisans, members of the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Atsinanana, were selected to undergo training on ecological practices.

After completing a four-week training program on the production of eco-friendly charcoal, they received their certificates on Friday. Of these artisans, 150 were trained in selecting raw materials and producing eco-friendly charcoal. Around 20 participants were taught packaging management and logistics, while another 40 received training in sales techniques. Additionally, five of them earned certification for training in building machines for environmentally friendly charcoal production.

This training is part of the « Green Gold Chain » project established by the Federation of Trades and Crafts Chambers of Madagascar. The French Development Agency funds this initiative, with support from the Malagasy Professional Training Fund and Artisans Without Borders. The goal is to strengthen the skills and knowledge of artisans, enabling them to enhance their work, increase their income, and create their small businesses after completing the training.

The project aims to involve 890 artisans from five regions of the country in these training programs. In Atsinanana, the focus was primarily on valorizing acacia waste through a process of transformation and recycling. Other regions, such as Boeny, use coconut waste to produce charcoal. In Italy, the primary raw material is rice husks. In the Vakinankaratra and Analamanga regions, the focus will be on converting textile waste from factories into eco-friendly charcoal.

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