Route du Soleil : Path of Development

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Route du Soleil : Path of Development

Path to progress

During the first Council of Ministers meeting of the year, President Andry Rajoelina and Minister of Public Works, Richard Rafidison, both highlighted the crucial significance of the « Route du Soleil ».

This route extends over 2,000 km and connects a multitude of regions and cities, from the south in Ambovombe to the north in Ambilobe. In other words, this Route of the Sun is proving to be the path towards progress, benefiting the economy, trade transactions, and even the standard of living for the inhabitants.

« The course of the Route of the Sun includes the RN13 from Taolagnaro to Ambovombe, the RN12A from Taolagnaro to Vangaindrano passing through Ebakika, Somisika, and Masianaka, the segment of the RN2 between Ranomafana East and Toamasina, and the RNS5 from Soanierana-Ivongo to Vahibe », highlighted Minister Richard Rafidison.

It is noteworthy that the restoration operations of the RNS5A, from Ambilobe to Vohémar, as well as those of the RNS12 between Manakara and Irondro, were completed and inaugurated in 2021 and 2022, respectively. « The Route of the Sun project opens a new production path in the eastern sugar-producing regions », stated the President of the Republic.

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