Rehabilitation of RNS5 : Call for Bids Launched

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Rehabilitation of RNS5 : Call for Bids Launched

Bids to be submitted before November 24

Another section of the national road is set for reconstruction soon. On Monday, the Ministry of Public Works launched a call for bids for the rehabilitation of the secondary national road number 5 (RNS5) between Toamasina and Foulpointe.

The work involves regular maintenance between kilometer points 0 and 56, covering the entire length of the road. All bids must be submitted by November 24. The Road Sector Sustainability Development Project (PDDR) is in charge of the rehabilitation of this section of the RNS5. The project is financed by the World Bank through the International Development Association (IDA). Launched in 2021, the project benefits from a 200 million USD fund aimed at improving the sustainability, safety, and climate resilience of 1,200 kilometers of roads across Madagascar. In 2022, an additional 100 million USD was approved for the project.

Current renovation works on the RN2 are also funded by the PDDR. These works are divided into two phases: the first between Antananarivo and Moramanga, and the second between Moramanga and Toamasina. Similarly, thanks to the PDDR, maintenance work has also been initiated on the RN4, RN7, RN6, RN34, RN12, and RN24.

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