Antananarivo-Toamasina highway : Progress in Construction

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Antananarivo-Toamasina highway : Progress in Construction

Promoting local job creation through the project

The highway between Antananarivo and Toamasina is currently under construction. The first 80 km section is presently in the earthworks phase, between Talata and Volonondry.

Samcrete, an Egyptian group, is dedicated to building high-quality, durable infrastructure by international standards. This commitment to quality accounts for the measured pace of construction. However, to accelerate progress, the company plans to double the number of workers on-site.

Currently, a hundred Malagasy technicians and engineers are working on this first section of the highway, alongside 35 Egyptian nationals. The goal is to recruit as many young locals as possible to promote local job creation.

According to the contract with the Malagasy state signed in 2022, the work will be carried out in three distinct phases. Once the first section is completed, two additional sections of 90 km each will follow. This extensive project is part of the presidential initiative.

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