Towards Transformative Female Leadership

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Towards Transformative Female Leadership

Women Leaders Call for More Training and Education

On Wednesday, March 12, on the sidelines of International Women’s Day, the Antananarivo Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized a roundtable dedicated to women leaders.

A special occasion where exceptional women shared their experiences and visions of female leadership. A meeting where motherhood and professional careers seamlessly intertwined. Among the speakers, the Minister of Tourism and Crafts, Viviane Dewa, shared her story.

The first woman to chair the Anosy Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Madagascar, she is also active in the World Chambers Federation. As co-founder of the association Entreprendre au Féminin de l’Océan Indien (EFOI), Dewa advocates for the empowerment of women, particularly those working in Malagasy crafts.

The Minister emphasized that work-life balance requires family support, solidarity, and mutual assistance. She works to foster an environment conducive to women’s empowerment, particularly through her ministry, where the majority of employees are women.

During this discussion, several challenges were addressed. Among them, the need to break down the prejudices surrounding female leadership and promote access to training and education as essential levers for women’s empowerment. Self-confidence and solidarity were also identified as powerful drivers for overcoming obstacles.

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