Mayotte : Emergency bill in the Council of Ministers

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Mayotte : Emergency bill in the Council of Ministers

Several priority actions will be taken

Initially scheduled to be presented on Friday, January 3, the emergency bill concerning Mayotte, devastated by Cyclone Chido, has been postponed. It will finally be presented at the Council of Ministers this week.

This week, the Council of Ministers will review the emergency bill dedicated to Mayotte, which suffered heavy damage from Cyclone Chido. The delay was justified by the desire to continue dialogue with local officials. According to Matignon, this delay will not impact the legislative agenda, with parliamentary sessions expected to resume on January 13. Chido considered the most devastating cyclone in Mayotte in nearly a century, resulted in the loss of 39 lives and injured more than 5,600 residents.

This bill is part of the « Mayotte Standing » program unveiled by the Prime Minister, aimed at addressing the urgent needs of the archipelago. Priority actions include the prohibition of rebuilding slums ravaged by the cyclone and restoring electricity supply to all households by the end of January. The project also includes restoring water networks with the support of the military and installing 200 Starlinks, satellite communication systems, to ensure emergency communication.

Finally, a monitoring system involving the army and gendarmerie is planned to protect schools from fires and thefts. Simultaneously, a long-term overhaul bill is being prepared by the government, which will be developed in cooperation with representatives from Mayotte. This text is expected to be completed within three months.

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