
Malagasy labor code reform

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Malagasy labor code reform

Strengthening employee protection

The amendment to the labor code has been approved and is now awaiting the implementation of its regulatory decrees.

The reform of the Malagasy labor code brings a fresh dynamic to the professional sector, introducing several significant changes. The primary objective of this updated code is to improve the working environment by addressing gaps in previous regulations, such as teleworking, working from home, subcontracting, and freelance employment, which are now covered by the law. Moreover, the revised code clarifies ambiguities, ensuring that all employees are better protected, with enhanced opportunities for people with disabilities to access employment.

One notable advancement is the inclusion of disability and health issues as recognized grounds for discrimination, now punishable by law. The reform also encourages businesses to hire individuals with disabilities, offering incentives to companies that employ multiple individuals with such conditions. Furthermore, workspaces will need to become more accessible to accommodate people with disabilities.

The new code significantly strengthens employee protection. In the past, employer violations were often treated lightly, but under the updated law, penalties for non-compliance have increased by 263 %. Additionally, the code now grants fathers a three-day paternity leave and limits the renewal of fixed-term contracts (CDD) to a maximum of three times.

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