Madagascar : Mahatalaky Sugar Factory Nears Operational Launch

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Madagascar : Mahatalaky Sugar Factory Nears Operational Launch

Meeting the needs of the local population

The renovation and extension of the Mahatalaky sugar factory are almost complete. This sugar plant will generate employment opportunities and provide various social benefits.

The renovation and extension of the Mahatalaky sugar factory are nearly complete, benefiting the economy of Tolagnaro. The Anosy region’s Department of Industrialization and Trade reported that almost 80 % of the work is done, following a site visit last week.

Construction of the plant began six years ago, in collaboration with the European Union, UNIDO, and the Malagasy Center of Sugar Can. The factory has a production capacity of 2.5 tonnes per hour, producing 60 tonnes of high-quality brown sugar daily for 150 days each year. This production meets local needs and provides job opportunities for the eager local workforce.

The plant will boost the local economy and promote regional development. Two cooperatives, with 117 growers, cultivate sugar cane on a 30-hectare plantation. The « Maromahay » cooperative also grows cane on 30 hectares. Plant managers aim to have half the sugarcane concession certified organic.

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