COI Members Discuss Cultural and Creative Industries

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COI Members Discuss Cultural and Creative Industries

Boosting the creative industries sector

The Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) visits Seychelles to discuss the future of projects related to cultural and creative industries in the region.

This is a collaborative project between the IOC and the French Development Agency (AFD), referred to as the IOC-AFD initiative. Its goal is to promote gender equality and revitalize the cultural and creative industries (CCI) sectors by addressing various areas such as heritage, cultural entrepreneurship, training, mobility, and management.

The IOC has implemented five grants through this project, including AléVini, a financial support scheme for regional mobility; Tafa Scholarships; support for cultural events; assistance for digital creations; and the Indian Ocean Co-Creation Fund. The meeting, held from November 26 to 27 at the International Conference Center, brings together cultural figures and creative sectors from six affiliated countries: Mauritius, Réunion, Seychelles, Comoros, Mozambique, and Madagascar.

Ralph Agrippine, the IOC’s permanent representative to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated in his opening speech that the measures undertaken by the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) Development Project align perfectly with the Seychelles’ IOC presidency’s priority objectives.

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