Biennial program 2024-2025 between WHO and Seychelles

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Biennial program 2024-2025 between WHO and Seychelles

Collaboration to enhance healthcare quality

The Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO) signed a biennial action program for 2024 and 2025 at L’Escale Resort Marina & Spa.

The signing formalizes the agreement between the two entities to improve healthcare and well-being in Seychelles, with an increased budget allocation of 2.9 million USD for the biennium 2024-2025. Health Minister Peggy Vidot and WHO Resident Representative in Seychelles, Rex Mpazanje, signed the documents. The program is based on a comprehensive strategy with four pillars outlined in the new Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS).

The priority is to promote healthy lifestyles and accelerate actions to address health risk factors. Secondly, it aims to improve universal health coverage and service quality while combating infectious diseases.

Sanjeev Pugazhendhi, Senior Policy Analyst at the Ministry of Health, emphasizes the importance of ensuring access to healthcare for all citizens with minimal financial risks. « We will focus on improving service quality within the government healthcare system and promoting better coordination with the private sector », Dr. Pugazhendhi states.

The country’s cooperation strategy also aims to protect the population against public health emergencies. The Ministry of Health is closely monitoring the cholera outbreak in Africa and the neighboring island of Comoros.

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