Madagascar’s first wind farm under construction

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Madagascar’s first wind farm under construction

Supply more than half of Tolagnaro’s electricity needs

Qit Minerals Madagascar (QMM) and the government have embarked on a collaborative effort to construct a wind farm in Tolagnaro. Commencing in August 2023, the construction project is on track for completion by the end of 2024.

The collaboration between Qit Minerals Madagascar (QMM) and the Madagascan government marks a significant step towards diversifying the country’s energy sources. The construction of the wind farm in Tolagnaro, slated to be the first of its kind on the island, underscores the commitment to enhancing the energy mix.

With construction initiated in August 2023 and scheduled for completion by the end of 2024, this project represents a fruitful partnership between the government and QMM, a subsidiary of Rio Tinto. The wind farm, capable of generating up to 16 megawatts of electricity, will complement the output of the recently commissioned solar power plant in Tolagnaro.

The combined capacity of the wind and solar farms is poised to meet over half of the city’s electricity demands, ensuring a significant energy advantage for Tolagnaro and the mining company. Notably, Tolagnaro has been spared from load shedding since 2007, thanks to collaborative efforts between Jirama, QMM, and support from the State through the Integrated Growth Clusters (PIC) project.

Currently, 40 % of the country’s electricity comes from renewable sources, while the rest relies on thermal energy. Recognizing the importance of the energy transition, Madagascar is actively pursuing initiatives to address persistent electricity challenges. Major power plant projects like Volobe and Sahofika are in the pipeline, alongside a focus on green energies such as solar, hydroelectric, and wind power. These efforts reflect Madagascar’s commitment to enhancing energy production and sustainability for the benefit of its citizens and industries alike.

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