Load Shedding Paralyzes the Malagasy Economy

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Load Shedding Paralyzes the Malagasy Economy

Businesses face huge losses

Load shedding directly impacts businesses, whether large, small, or medium-sized. These prolonged outages, lasting up to half a day, result in additional production costs that drive up expenses and reduce profits.

Companies are experiencing massive losses due to load shedding and face increased bills. Many are forced to use generators to keep production running or halt operations until power is restored. As a result, revenues for small and medium enterprises have dropped by 60 % since load shedding began. Some of these companies are now teetering on the brink of bankruptcy.

For large corporations and industrial sectors, the situation is only worsening. Many are compelled to rely on generators to maintain productivity, which also requires fuel, further adding to operational expenses. Acquiring fuel has become a significant additional cost for these companies.

For instance, textile companies often use generators for several hours a day. « We can fulfill orders thanks to our use of generators; however, we’re getting feedback that product quality is declining due to unanticipated interruptions », says a manager from a free zone located near Talatamaty.

Other sectors opt to halt production during outage hours, thus avoiding the extra costs associated with generator fuel. This approach, however, leads to productivity discrepancies of three to six hours each day.

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