Energy Transition : The U.S. Supports Madagascar

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Energy Transition : The U.S. Supports Madagascar

Signing of a cooperation agreement

Madagascar and the United States are strengthening their cooperation to promote electrification and energy sustainability.

Through Power Africa and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the United States government has renewed its support for Madagascar’s energy transition. This commitment was reaffirmed at an annual donor coordination meeting held on October 24, led by the Ministry of Energy and Hydrocarbons (MEH). This event, which attracted over 100 participants, aims to align the development partners’ efforts with Madagascar’s major energy challenges.

The highlight of the meeting was the signing of a cooperation agreement between Power Africa and the Malagasy government, presided over by the Minister of Energy and Hydrocarbons, Olivier Jean-Baptiste. This document establishes a joint approach to promoting clean energy, focusing on advancing high-potential agricultural zones. The partnership also aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, encourage energy sector investments, and incorporate gender equality measures into energy policies. Under this cooperation, financial support from the United States will facilitate the setup of solar-powered kiosks in specific communities.

These infrastructures aim to boost rural economies by providing energy for agricultural processes such as rice hulling, grain milling, and water pumping. They will also offer services to local businesses, including solar lamp rentals, phone charging stations, and printing and internet access services. Daniela Rakotomamonjy, Power Africa advisor for USAID, emphasized that the United States remains a steadfast supporter of Madagascar.

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