Electricity Crisis : Jirama Powerless

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Electricity Crisis : Jirama Powerless

Jirama is in a state of stalemate

Along with water issues, power outages have become a daily disaster. While emergency actions are being taken to address water shortages, Jirama likely has no solutions in terms of energy.

All that’s left is to hope for abundant rainfall. This was the dispirited response from an informed source regarding the electricity supply situation. Whether in casual conversations or phone calls, reactions to the current energy crisis all lead to a common conclusion: Jirama is at a standstill.

The Andekaleka power plant, which generates 112 to 114 megawatts, produces 55% of the electricity needed by the Antananarivo Interconnected Grid (RIA). However, during this dry season, daily production of 40 megawatts is proving difficult for the plant. Additionally, the turbines must be shut down for part of the morning to store water for the high evening electricity demand.

Other hydropower plants, such as Mandraka and Farahantsana, are also operating below capacity. Moreover, Jirama’s general management has reportedly suspended precipitation-related operations, opting to wait for optimal weather conditions to avoid wasting funds.

Meanwhile, thermal power plants, like those in Mandroseza, are unable to compensate for the shortfall left by the hydropower stations. The solar park in Ambatolampy also falls short of generating enough electricity to reduce outages in the RIA.

In the face of this, some are calling for immediate measures to minimize the duration of the outages while waiting for the much-needed rain. The President of the Republic acknowledges that the energy situation is « unsustainable ».

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