Comorian laboratories: towards better synergy for research
Scientific research in the Comoros is reaching a new milestone with the selection of four laboratories from 19 evaluated in three major structures: the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment (Inrape), the National Center for Documentation and Scientific Research (Cndrs) and the University of the Comoros (Udc).
This initiative is part of the « Comoros Research, Innovation and Technology » (Crit-Fspi) project, funded by the French Embassy. A workshop to popularize the results was held at the Faculty of Science and Technology (Fst) of the country’s university. This meeting provided an opportunity to share the conclusions of the report and discuss the means to be implemented to strengthen the capacities of the institutes. « This workshop aims to popularize the evaluation reports so that all centers can align with the recommendations and claim future funding », explained Soulé Hamidou, Dean of the Fst.
Three of the four selected centers belong to the Fst, demonstrating the dynamism of this faculty. Soidrou Said Hassane, professor at the University of the Comoros, stressed the need to strengthen inter institutional cooperation: « We must put an end to sterile competition and promote synergy between laboratories to maximize scientific advances ».
The Crit-Fspi project benefits from overall funding of EUR 729,000, including EUR 180,000 devoted to equipment. Ludovic Khamchane, scientific and university cooperation attaché at the Embassy, emphasizes that « this program represents an essential step forward in providing laboratories with suitable technical means and promoting the development of research ». A dynamic that could sustainably transform the country’s scientific landscape.