Sir Guy Forget Polytechnic high school : Certificate presentation to trainees

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Sir Guy Forget Polytechnic high school : Certificate presentation to trainees

Increasing employment opportunities for youth

On Monday, September 2, a ceremony was held at the Mahatma Gandhi Institute in Moka to award technical certificates to approximately 80 trainees from Sir Guy Forget Polytechnic High School.

The Minister of Labour, Soodesh Callichurn, who attended the event, expressed his gratitude to the students for their commitment and perseverance. He emphasized that this polytechnic, founded in 1981, has produced experts capable of adapting to a constantly evolving economy. The Minister noted that the current unemployment rate is 6.1 %, the lowest in 27 years, and encouraged young people to seize the opportunities available to them in various fields.

Harrykrishna Vydelingum, President of the Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD), highlighted the MITD’s involvement in developing students’ skills. The goal is to increase their employment opportunities, aligning with the government’s intent to prepare young people for the job market.

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