Réunion Island: An Ambitious Goal for Education in 2025

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Réunion Island: An Ambitious Goal for Education in 2025

Major Investments for High Schools in Réunion Island

Education is a priority for the Réunion Regional Council. President Huguette Bello reaffirmed this on January 5, 2025, before the leadership teams of the island’s high schools.

In the presence of Rector Rostane Mehdi, Huguette Bello outlined the main educational strategies and upcoming projects. According to her, « My goal is to guarantee excellence for all students, whether they follow general, vocational, or agricultural tracks ».

To achieve this, the island has allocated a budget of 215 million EUR (221.1 million USD in 2025), representing a 6.2% increase compared to the previous year. This investment translates to 4,800 EUR per student, compared to 3,500 EUR at the national level.

Furthermore, the « 1 school canteen » initiative continues to expand. The proportion of students benefiting from school meals has increased from 25% to 46%. To support this growth, the Regional Council is creating 26 additional jobs to improve catering services in high schools.

Additionally, enhancing thermal comfort in schools is a priority. A « heat management plan » will be implemented, including the installation of air circulators, the greening of outdoor spaces, and the creation of solar shelters. Each school will receive adaptations tailored to its specific needs.

The President also opposes an early school start in January, advocating instead for an academic calendar better suited to the island’s climatic and educational realities. This stance reflects Réunion Island’s commitment to ensuring optimal learning conditions for its high school students.

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