Partnership between SIAD and ADI

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Partnership between SIAD and ADI

Agreement to open opportunities for students

The Seychelles Institute of Art and Design (SIAD) and the Academy of Design and Innovation (ADI) in Mauritius have entered into a memorandum of understanding, paving the way for many opportunities for students and faculty members from both institutions.

The memorandum of understanding, inked during a virtual ceremony at the Ministry of Education on Friday, February 9, 2024, establishes a framework for academic collaboration between SIAD and ADI.

Expressing her enthusiasm about the collaboration, SIAD Director Christine Chetty-Payet underscored its potential for facilitating staff exchanges, joint conferences, and research initiatives. « This collaboration is pivotal as we strive to revise and enhance our programs to align them with industry needs and emerging developments », remarked Ms. Chetty-Payet.

The agreement extends avenues for SIAD students to pursue training at ADI, which offers a diverse array of programs, including bachelor’s degrees. Ms. Chetty-Payet highlighted the benefits for students who have completed their studies at SIAD.

Beyond academic exchanges, the collaboration encompasses joint participation in exhibitions, seminars, and workshops, thereby augmenting the capacities of both institutions.

In November 2023, educators and learners from SIAD participated in a textile exhibition organized by ADI in Guinea Conakry. SIAD Board Chairman Martin Kennedy expressed optimism regarding the potential outcomes of the partnership.

As both institutions endeavor to redefine SIAD and tailor programs to meet the evolving demands of industries, the partnership with ADI holds promise for nurturing intellectually robust and adaptable graduates primed for the contemporary workforce.

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