Introduction to Entrepreneurship at the College Level

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Introduction to Entrepreneurship at the College Level

Introducing students to entrepreneurship

The Ankizy Hihary project was designed in partnership between the Ministry of National Education and the National Fihariana Program. It will be initiated in colleges.

Entrepreneurship will be integrated into the secondary school curriculum. The project aims to introduce entrepreneurship to students in grades 6, 5, 4, and 3. The four main goals of this program are personal development, entrepreneurial culture, civics, and citizenship.

This school year, the program is being tested in 23 CEGs, one per region. After three years, the program will be adopted by 1,840 CEGs. In five years, this program will be implemented in every college in Madagascar. According to Dr. Marie Michelle Sahondrarimalala, Minister of National Education, the training will be adapted according to regional specificities. At the same time, an education program entitled « Entrepreneurial Development Pathway and Local Development » will be implemented in CEGs and designed for students who have failed the CEPE test.

The Ankizy Hihary project comes at a reasonable time. Many students drop out of school due to their families’ financial problems. According to statistical data, only 48% of primary school students continue their studies at the secondary level. These young people, leaving school without a diploma, increase the number of unemployed. This phenomenon hinders the country’s economic progress.

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