
Education : Improving school infrastructure

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Education : Improving school infrastructure

Current infrastructure fails to meet requirements

The lack of school infrastructure remains a major concern. Even public schools do not have enough classrooms. « We have to work in half-day shifts, with one class in the morning and another in the afternoon, due to the shortage of space », says a teacher.

The current infrastructure fails to meet the requirements. « More and more parents are enrolling their children in public schools », says the principal of a public school in Antananarivo. The situation is even worse in remote areas, where students crowd into small classrooms, sit on the floor, and sometimes study in the open air. These conditions are far from conducive to achieving excellent academic results.

Due to the limited schedule, it is difficult to complete the school curriculum. Even when the curriculum is completed, students may not fully grasp the lessons, as there isn’t enough time to work through exercises, which are essential for understanding. Another teacher points out that students cannot concentrate in such conditions.

In recent years, the government has made significant investments in building classrooms. Eight hundred classrooms have been constructed in remote areas where school infrastructure was severely lacking. This was accomplished through the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the World Bank. However, according to teachers, the current infrastructure is still inadequate.

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