Mauritius – UN : Strengthening Economic Cooperation

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Mauritius – UN : Strengthening Economic Cooperation

Establishing an economic transformation process

Lisa Simrique Singh recently paid a courtesy visit to the Minister of Industry, SMEs, and Cooperatives at his office in Port Louis. The UN representative emphasized the close collaboration between the UN and the Ministry of Industry, SMEs, and Cooperatives.

The critical importance of human capital in the economic transformation process of Mauritius and the necessity of a demand-driven approach to skills development are at the heart of the discussions between Aadil Ameer Meea, the Mauritian Minister, and Lisa Simrique Singh, the UN Resident Coordinator for Mauritius and Seychelles.

Lisa Simrique Singh believes that essential projects like the industrialization strategy, the promotion of women in trade through the African Continental Free Trade Area, and cutting-edge tools such as e-commerce will further strengthen Mauritius’s integration into the global value chain.

The UN Resident Coordinator emphasized the need to establish a multi-year planning framework to guide the country’s economic transformation. The goal is to ensure that investments and strategic budget planning align with government priorities, allowing the UN and other development partners to prioritize their investments.

« It is crucial to tailor professional skills to market demands, particularly in sectors such as IT, science, technology, and innovation », Lisa Simrique Singh stressed, adding that the integration and support of both women and men should be fully considered and encouraged throughout the economic transformation process.

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