Madagascar : Ambatovy supports young entrepreneurs

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Madagascar : Ambatovy supports young entrepreneurs

Fostering economic growth among youth

Ambatovy has initiated an incubation program to foster economic growth for young entrepreneurs in the Alaotra-Mangoro and Atsinanana regions. Over eight months, the program has enabled nine companies to obtain their tax identification number and statistical card (NIF/Stat).

In collaboration with the NGO Saint-Gabriel La Fabrique, this program promotes an increase in the turnover of young entrepreneurs. These individuals have showcased their products and enhanced their market visibility by participating in 13 socio-economic events.

The program has created over 120 temporary jobs in the targeted regions. Over the next two years, the NGO Saint-Gabriel La Fabrique will continue to offer tailored coaching and training, including business management, marketing, personal development, and entrepreneurial culture.

Ambatovy is undertaking concrete actions in partnership with the regional directorate of fisheries and the blue economy of Atsinanana (DRPEB) as part of the Blue Economy project. Consequently, over 400 professional cards have been issued to fishermen, five formal fisherman groups have received provisional receipts, 261 canoes have been registered, and six Early Warning System (EWS) panels have been installed in Ambodisaina Ivondro and Ambodisiny.

This three-year project aims to increase fishermen’s income, ensure the sustainability of fishing activities in the region, and enhance resilience to climate change.

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