Importance of Geographical Indications for Economic Actors

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Importance of Geographical Indications for Economic Actors

Way to stand out in a saturated market

Three priority sectors – Mauritius Unrefined Sugar, Mauritius Rum, and Rodrigues Lemon – were addressed during a summary workshop on Geographical Indications (GIs) in Port Louis, Mauritius.

Mr. Dhananjay Ramful, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Hambyrajen Narsinghen, Deputy Minister for International Trade, were present. During this meeting, Minister Ramful presented a GI certificate to the Director General of the Mauritius Sugar Syndicate, Mr. Devesh Dukhira, on the occasion of Mauritius Unrefined Sugar obtaining GI status.

Minister Dhananjay Ramful highlighted that the concept of GI is relatively new in Mauritius in his opening speech. Since the implementation of the Industrial Property Act in 2022, Mauritius now has an operational framework to ensure the protection of national products, particularly the quality, reputation, or distinctive characteristics directly linked to their geographical origin.

The importance of geographical indications for economic operators was emphasized by the Minister. He noted that they represent a valuable means of standing out in a saturated market. According to him, at a time when consumers are seeking authenticity and quality, geographical indications ensure that the product meets certain standards.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that the government has prioritized effectively implementing the new GI law. The objective is to strengthen the skills of the parties involved in the various value chains and the agents of the Mauritius Industrial Property Office.

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