Awareness-raising actions and increased support for businesses
On March 5, 2024, the Overseas Departments Issuing Institute (IEDOM) presented its results for 2024.
Despite the economic crises that affected Mayotte, including the passage of Chido, the institution recorded an increase in its number of publications and awareness-raising actions compared to the previous year.
Under the leadership of Florence Mar Picart, President, the organization recalled its essential missions: economic strategy, monetary and financial analysis, services to the economy and monitoring of overseas territories. In 2024, IEDOM published 15 studies and reports documenting the impacts of economic crises and the structural issues of the territory. In addition, the institute carried out 36 awareness-raising actions, including training on banknote authentication and thematic workshops to help the population better manage their budget. These actions reached 268 people.
The organization also checked 28 million banknotes in 2024, guaranteeing the quality of the currency in circulation in the territory, as a monetary issuer. Regarding business support, the organization supported 14 business leaders and project leaders and listed 343 Mahoran companies.
The Institute also took measures against over-indebtedness and managed payment incidents, with 128 designations for the right to an account and 991 consultations of files relating to payment incidents in 2024.