
Economic agreement : Strengthening the competitiveness of Malagasy industries

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Economic agreement : Strengthening the competitiveness of Malagasy industries

Advanced discussions with the European Union

As part of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), direct discussions are being held to explore ways to improve product competitiveness and strengthen economic cooperation.

Representatives from the private sector, the European Union, and the Ministry of Industrialization and Commerce participated in these discussions, addressing various themes related to this collaboration. The Ministry of Industrialization and Commerce presented the progress of discussions with the European Union and the opportunities this collaboration offers.

The Syndicate of Industries of Madagascar highlighted the obstacles faced by Malagasy products and industries in entering the European market, including a lack of equipment and stringent European market regulations. These challenges hinder the competitiveness of Malagasy products and industries.

Strengthening collaboration with the European Union through the EPA could promote industrialization by encouraging increased competitiveness and compliance with international market regulations. The current EPA already allows the export of all goods to the EU without restrictions or quotas, respecting the principle of reciprocity.

This agreement enables Madagascar to export food and textile products to Europe and import industrial goods and equipment, fostering national and foreign investments and promoting the country’s industrial development. Europe remains the primary economic partner of Madagascar, accounting for more than 34 % of its exports.

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