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Agricultural sector : 2.25 million USD donation from China

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Agricultural sector : 2.25 million USD donation from China

Chinese government supports Malagasy agriculture

The agreement for the donation was inked on April 9, 2024, at the Iavoloha State Palace, signaling China’s commitment to enhancing agricultural productivity in Madagascar.

The donation aims to bolster agricultural yields by financially assisting Malagasy farmers in procuring fertilizers. This strategic investment strengthens food security and reduces reliance on foreign imports, aligning with China’s overarching global development agenda.

President of the Republic of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, anticipates that agricultural yields could nearly double, rising from approximately 3 tons to almost 6 tons per hectare, attributed to the implementation of the PFUMVUDZA program and the concerted efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture.

In the aftermath of Cyclone Gamane, which wreaked havoc on Madagascar, impacting nearly 90 000 individuals and causing extensive damage to crops, priority will be given to distributing the provided fertilizers in the hardest-hit regions. This targeted intervention marks a pivotal stride towards Madagascar’s journey to achieving food self-sufficiency.

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