African Union Presidency: Azali’s term ends

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African Union Presidency: Azali’s term ends

Progress on FTAA and AU admission to G20

Comorian leader Azali Assoumani’s term as chairman of the African Union (AU) ends on February 18, 2024. His Mauritanian counterpart, Mohamed Ould Ghazouani, will officially succeed him.

Comorian President Azali Assoumani’s term as chairman of the African Union (AU) ended on February 18, 2024, and Mohamed Ould Ghazouani of Mauritania will officially succeed him.

During his tenure, President Azali expressed satisfaction at having a « small country » and an island state like the Comoros occupy the prestigious position of AU chairman for the first time. He emphasized that the size of a country does not diminish its voice or influence on the international stage. Azali highlighted the principle of equal voice and representation at the United Nations, where all member states, regardless of size or power, have an equal say.

Throughout his term, President Azali actively participated in all African Union summits and ceremonies as a mediator. He recently represented the continent at the Italy-Africa summit in Rome, where he advocated for the acceleration of the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and the AU’s accession to the G20, a goal set for September 2023. However, President Azali expressed concern about the continent’s challenges in peace and security, particularly in light of coups in Niger and Gabon, as well as the conflict in Sudan.

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