37th AU Summit : Island states meeting

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37th AU Summit : Island states meeting

Advancing COP 28 Directives

In conjunction with the 37th African Union Summit, Seychelles spearheaded a high-level gathering of African island states in alignment with recommendations from the COP 28 ministerial meeting.

Under the auspices of the African Island States Climate Commission (AISCC) secretariat and its collaborative partners, led by the AISCC President (Seychelles), the summit convened to bolster collaboration among African island states towards a resilient and prosperous future. This pivotal assembly was called on Friday, February 16, as an integral component of the 37th ordinary session of the African Union Assembly.

The summit featured two interactive roundtable discussions. The first, moderated by Minister Flavien Joubert, engaged AISCC delegation leaders, while the second, moderated by Nassim Oulmane, director of the technological division for climate change, involved representatives from development partners. The primary objectives were to advance the African island agenda through the AISCC as a coordinating entity championing island state interests.

Minister Joubert articulated, « At this 37th AU Summit, we must demonstrate that despite being susceptible to climate disruptions, islands can also lead Africa’s development, particularly in areas like the blue economy. Moreover, islands can be pivotal in addressing climate change continent-wide ».

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