Towards solutions to support businesses

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Towards solutions to support businesses

Sustainable solutions after the cyclone

On Friday 14 February, Alain Di Crescenzo, President of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI), met with economic actors in Mayotte, affected by the passage of Cyclone Chido.

The Dembéni technopole, inaugurated last November, still bears the traces of the damage caused by the disaster, with collapsed ceilings and damaged infrastructure. In this context, island businesses have expressed their concerns.

According to Nadine Haffidou, Vice President of the ICC, « he had to see the damage with his own eyes.” A survey of 3,000 businesses indicates that 80% are affected. « Businesses are not working at all, there is no money coming in, no revenue », said Bibi Chanfi, vice president of the department. The situation is particularly difficult for some traders, such as Sophiata Souffou, a shop owner in Tsimkoura, who spoke of stock-outs and short-time work for her employees, in the absence of compensation.

Despite emergency relief efforts since January 15, several business leaders believe the measures taken are not enough to deal with the scale of the damage. « The devices are bandages, we need durable solutions to restart », Haffidou said.

The ICC President promised to relay these difficulties to the national authorities. « The situation is serious and urgent », he said, stressing the need to support local businesses. A detailed report of this meeting will be sent to the highest levels of government. In particular, to mention the late payment by local authorities.

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