Opportunities for Young Entrepreneurs

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Opportunities for Young Entrepreneurs

The JCE in Mayotte: Youth Engagement in Public Interest Projects

Founded in 1952 and recognized as a public utility since 1976, the French Junior Economic Chamber (JCEF) brings together thousands of young citizens aged 18 to 40 from diverse professional backgrounds. Its goal is to promote youth engagement through public interest projects, thereby contributing to regional development.

In Mayotte, the JCEF continues this mission under the leadership of Mohamed Ahamada. At the February general meeting, the organization outlined its ambitions for the coming year. « Numerous projects are in preparation, with the organization of unifying events and the hosting of national and international representatives », stated team members.

Although the JCE is still little publicized, its impact is real. The meeting highlighted the importance of intergenerational transmission, with the presence of former presidents, testifying to the evolution and strength of the local network. Their contributions strengthened the bond between members and alumni, adding real value to this first meeting of the year.

Young Mayotte entrepreneurs are invited to join this dynamic network. « Getting involved in the JCE means seeing your ideas transformed into concrete projects. It’s an opportunity to work alongside leaders, acquire new skills, and contribute to initiatives that generate positive transformations », the leaders concluded.

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