Poultry Farming : 97 % Success Rate

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Poultry Farming : 97 % Success Rate

Towards reducing dependency on poultry imports

The poultry group of Dewa, known as « Matsunga de Mbwangoma », is showing promising results. Among the 62 farmers who benefited from 5,000 chicks under the Emergency Livestock and Food Production Support Project (Aefpf-Comores), the majority achieved remarkable performances.

In 48 days, the poultry reached weights ranging from 1.5 kg to 3 kg. According to Sarihati Azihari, the group’s secretary, the success rate is 97 %. This performance results from the technical support provided to the farmers. Despite these encouraging results, market integration remains a challenge. The price per kilogram of poultry is 2,500 Comorian francs (5.30 USD), impacted by the high cost of animal feed.

The absence of local feed production in Mwali forces farmers to source from Ndzuani, where a 20 kg bag costs 15,000 francs. To address this constraint, an agreement is being developed between the Aefpf project and Exim Bank.

Supported by the Comorian government in partnership with the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Aefpf project aims to increase local production and reduce dependency on imports. In this context, 5,000 chicks were distributed less than three months ago at the Regional Economic Development Center in Fomboni. This project is part of a dynamic of food self-sufficiency, essential for the country’s economy.

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