Agro-Industry : Making the Sector Self-Reliant

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Agro-Industry : Making the Sector Self-Reliant

Boosting agro-industry and production sectors

Dr. Arvin Boolell, Minister of Agro-Industry, Food Security, Blue Economy, and Fisheries, encourages the participation of the general public, private companies, and farmers to foster growth and self-reliance in the industry.

His speech took place during a potato harvest organized by his ministry, along with the Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (FAREI) and the Agricultural Development Marketing Association (ADMA). Minister Boolell stated in his speech that the government’s goal is to boost the agro-industry and production sectors. In this regard, efforts must be intensified to create the most favorable conditions for the growth and prosperity of farmers to meet the population’s needs.

Mr. Boolell noted a decrease in potato production, from about 21,000 tons to less than 12,000 tons currently. Therefore, the government’s goal is to promote local potato production and reach the previously set target.

Moreover, the Minister of Agro-Industry emphasized that Mauritius heavily relies on the importation of food products. To address this situation, he encourages more people to get involved in the food industry and has asked researchers to conduct more studies in the industrial sector.

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