
Agricultural Sector : Empowering Young Farmers

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Agricultural Sector : Empowering Young Farmers

Ongoing training in farm management

Young farmers in Madagascar are being encouraged to become self-sufficient. The Soa Network (Syndicate of Agricultural Organizations) has focused on supporting young rural women through its aid program aimed at helping them establish themselves.

In the district of Ambohitratrimo, ten young female farmers in Antanetibe Mahazaza will soon be able to create their small businesses. Soa Mitsinjo, a farming organization that highlights the importance of rural women in areas such as food security, nutrition, and the development of commercial activities, has decided to support ten young female farmers in bringing their professional projects to life.

These young women have received agricultural tools and resources to enhance the socio-economic development of youth farming. Moreover, they will benefit from continuous training in farm management and technical advice over the three years following the launch of their projects.

In collaboration with AFDI (French Agriculture for International Development), this support project for young farmers is being realized through the implementation of the « Farmers’ Organizations for Food Systems » (FO4FS) program. This initiative is supported by five regional farming associations located in four geographic zones of Madagascar: Analamanga, Bongolava, Boeny, and Amoron’i Mania, and will run for three years.

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