Agricultural innovation in Reunion

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Agricultural innovation in Reunion

Supporting farmers in the face of climate challenges

During the inauguration of the Reunion village at the Salon de l’Agriculture on February 24, the President of the Department, Cyrille Melchior, praised the commitment of local farmers. They do not just produce, but they also process, innovate and export.

Although exporting fresh fruit is complex due to the distance to European markets, the processing of products allows for better conservation and international distribution. « Our products are not only present in Paris, but also in Berlin, Madrid and all over the world », he said.

In his speech, the President mentioned the many challenges that farmers face, such as remoteness and difficult topographical conditions, with slopes reaching 40 to 50% and a capricious climate. Accompanied by personalities such as Chef Kelly Rangama and François Sauvadet, former Minister and President of the Assembly of Departments of France, he expressed his pride in Reunion Island farmers. According to him, « we have every reason to be proud. This pride is a testament to our commitment and resilience ». Melchior also thanked farmers for their determination in the face of the impacts of climate change, including the unprecedented droughts in the east of the island, affirming that the Department will continue to support the agricultural development of Reunion Island.

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