52 tons of fertilizer to revive Comorian agriculture

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52 tons of fertilizer to revive Comorian agriculture

The Ministry of Agriculture launches a program to strengthen food security

On March 1, 2025, the Minister of Agriculture, Daniel Ali Bandar, launched a fertilizer distribution at his directorate headquarters in Moroni.

During this distribution, 52 tons of TAP (Tropical Agriculture Platform) fertilizers were given to local producers, contributing to the ministry’s goal of improving long-term food security. This initiative is part of a package of 225 tons of fertilizers made available to farmers, as part of the government’s continued support for agriculture.

Ahmada Zoubeir, Deputy Secretary General of the ministry, stressed the importance of this action for the revival of the sector. « We are providing producers with the tools they need to increase their harvests and improve the quality of their products », he said.

The Director of the Rural Economic Development Center (CRDE) of Dibwani, El-Moustoifa Oubeidi, expressed his gratitude to the partners and donors, in particular the African Development Bank (AfDB), who contribute to the modernization of the sector. Thus, he stressed the importance of this collaboration to improve the management of agricultural resources and the living conditions of producers.

Dr. Fouad Mohamed, Director of Agricultural Strategies, also presented the long-term objectives of the Emerging Comoros Plan (PCE), aimed at promoting sustainable agriculture and reducing dependence on imports. This successful operation heralds future distributions of agricultural inputs, such as 60 tons of Mpk, 60 tons of urea and 45 tons of potash, in order to guarantee agricultural production resilient to crises.

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