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mauritius world ozone day 2024

Workshop on world Ozone day 2024

Awards presented to participants Mr. Kavydass Ramano, Minister of Environment, Solid Waste Management, and Climate Change, launched a one-day awareness workshop at the Caudan Arts Centre

mauritius training agribusiness

Agribusiness training for women entrepreneurs

Empowering women to drive agricultural innovation A ceremony celebrating the successful completion of an agribusiness training program for 58 women was held on Tuesday, September 10,

mauritius OECD

Meeting between the OECD SG and the Mauritian Prime Minister

OECD to provide policy support for economic growth On Friday, September 6th, OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann met with Prime Minister Pravind Kumar Jugnauth at the Treasury

mauritius SIDS

SIDS : Strengthening supply systems for island nations

Mauritius to host the 8th meeting of SIDS health ministers On September 4th and 5th, a workshop in Port Louis focused on enhancing procurement and supply

mauritius sustainable development

SDGs : Integrating renewable energy and agriculture

Ensuring both energy and food security Montagne Longue recently hosted a half-day consultative workshop on the Central Electricity Board’s (CEB) agrivoltaic program. The workshop aimed to

mauritius health disabilities

Supporting people with invisible disabilities

Inclusive support for all individuals Mauritius Telecom (MT) has officially pledged its support for the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower initiative, aligning with its sustainable development strategy. A

mauritius sustainable development

Creative industries : Construction of a national arts center

Enhancing community amenities The construction of the National Arts Center was officially inaugurated on Monday, September 2, 2024, at Réunion Maurel in Petit Raffray. The project

mauritius education

Sir Guy Forget Polytechnic high school : Certificate presentation to trainees

Increasing employment opportunities for youth On Monday, September 2, a ceremony was held at the Mahatma Gandhi Institute in Moka to award technical certificates to approximately

mauritius sustainable development

Inauguration of a training center for 17 women

Supporting vulnerable populations in the region On Thursday, August 29, 2024, the Resources and Nature Foundation (Forena) launched a training program for 17 women in the

mauritius pakistan diplomacy

Letters of credence from the new high commissioner of Pakistan

Strengthening diplomatic relations The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration, and International Trade, the Honorable Maneesh Gobin, welcomed His Excellency Syed Zahid Raza, the new High

mauritius education arts

Artworks : SC and HSC students rewarded

Allowing students to express themselves creatively Awards were given to School Certificate (SC) and Higher School Certificate (HSC) students. Candidates excelled in the Cambridge Arts and

mauritius education oasis de paix

Inauguration of a pedagogical and professional training center

Empowering children from vulnerable families On Wednesday, August 28, 2024, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Higher Education, Science, and Technology, Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun, inaugurated