Reform of university education
On March 3, 2025, the Mauritian Minister of Higher Education, Kaviraj Sukon, announced measures to adapt university education to the requirements of the job market.
During the ceremony organized by the Center for Biomedical and Biomaterials Research (CBBR) of the University of Mauritius, in collaboration with his ministry, the Minister revealed the creation of a National Advisory Committee. This committee will be tasked with reassessing and readjusting academic programs in order to better prepare students for their professional integration.
Thus, he stressed the importance of strengthening the entrepreneurial spirit and promoting innovation, the theme of the event entitled CBBR Impact Event Series 2025. Sukon also called on companies and economic actors to intensify their collaboration with universities, particularly through internships and in-company training. According to him, these practical experiences are crucial to allow students to acquire a real understanding of the professional world.