Peanut Shortage Persists in the Comorian Market

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Peanut Shortage Persists in the Comorian Market

Collaboration Needed Between Producers and Cooperatives

Peanuts have become increasingly difficult to find in stores over the past few months. This situation is causing concern for both buyers and merchants.

Many merchants are complaining about the issues related to importing this dried fruit, as suppliers struggle to ship sufficient volumes by sea. Producers and cooperatives should work in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and associated entities to identify the necessary resources for increasing local production.

Since the cholera outbreak, there has been a shortage of peanut seeds. This has led to a decrease in clientele for merchants. When they do manage to procure supplies, the stocks are often inadequate or of poor quality. Sometimes, the products deteriorate even before they are put up for sale.

Stakeholders in the sector also highlight the impact of border closures, particularly with Madagascar, a crucial supplier. The previous epidemic led to restrictions, and populations continue to feel the effects.

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